Featuring Hywela Lyn, author

A member of the Romance Novelists Association, Hywela Lyn was born and grew up in rural Wales. The beautiful scenery and wealth of legends and folklore inspired much of her writing. She is married to Dave and they share a love of animals, being pet parents to T’pau a mare with attitude and Choccy the rescue dog.

What is your primary or favorite genre to write? – Science Fiction/Fantasy Romance

Do you have other genres you write for? – The first full-length novel I ever wrote was a historical Western romance (a genre I love to read) I hope to dust it off one day and rewrite it.

Hywela Lyn fav bookWhich project is your favorite so far?  Why? – The Destiny Trilogy is very dear to my heart. The first in the trilogy, Starquest, started as a short story. I’ve always loved the stars and realized that if I can’t travel among them myself, I can do so vicariously through my characters.  Then, I grew fond of my heroine and decided there was a lot more to her story. A sequel, Children of the Mist, followed, featuring a woman on an Earth settlement, who became her friend, and finally, one of the main male characters in the first book demanded his own story and having fallen in love with him myself, how could I resist? So, I wrote the third book, Beloved Enemy. I became attached to all the characters in these books and loved developing the romance between the main characters.


How long have you been writing? – I enjoyed writing short stories as a child, and have always made up stories in my head. I had several short stories published over the years before I got up the courage to submit my first novel, Starquest, to The Wild Rose Press. The rest, as they say, is history.

Where is your favorite place to write? What kind of atmosphere do you need? Quiet, music coffee, wine? Any tricks to get in the zone? – I usually write in the tiny spare bedroom which my husband and I have converted to an office. If the weather is warm enough, though, I love to write outside. I’m an outdoor person, so trees, flowers, and the sound of birds always help me lose myself in my story. I love to have orchestral music in the background when I’m indoors, film music, light classical or something moody. I love Clannad and really enjoy anything that’s not too loud or jazzy.

What genres do you prefer to read? – I love a good book in any genre. I have an eclectic taste, I love my own genre, of course, science fiction romance, and as I mentioned, historical westerns. I also enjoy romantic suspense, high fantasy, and most science fiction.

What’s your favorite book or movie? – Oh, can I have more than one? I loved the film Gone with the Wind, and of course Lord of the Rings, both the books and films. Years ago, I saw the Hammer Film version of She and was so enthralled by it I went straight out and bought the book by H. Rider Haggard. The book was even better than the film!

What do you do for fun when you’re not writing? – I love playing with graphics and making teasers for my books. As I said, I’m an outdoor person and spend as much time as I can when not writing with my quarter-horse mare. T’pau, or walking my dog, Choccy. Also, I enjoy tending to my small garden. I love watching things grow.


Amazon author page: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Hywela-Lyn/e/B002BMBXH4

Facebook author: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Hywela-Lyn/e/B002BMBXH4

Blog: https://www.hywelalyn.blogspot.com

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